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Biology - Living Machines

Artificial life - Nano-technologies - Dimensions of complexity

Biology is said to be the study of life.


But I say it is the study of molecular machinery, artificial life forms, DNA engineering programming.


You're (1) a living machine or (2) just a machine that thinks it is living.


Either way - you’re intelligently designed.

Is life real or just an illusion?

God (our creator) is real, ah but are you!

What are you? Do you really know?

Can you tell me what is real and what is an illusion. WHAT IS REALITY! Is there a reality out there, something that is real and not of some construct from an intelligent mind. Is all our so-called "reality" an artificial construction of design?

It is said that when technologies and biology get to the same level. They call that the singularity. When both are indistinguishable from one another.


We are already there and then some.

We're too stupid to understand that we are already bio-technologies from another intelligence. Someone else’s artificial life forms.

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